


Student Enrichment Program (STEP)

Years 7 to 9, students at Centenary SHS participate in a range of recreational, sporting, cultural and other activities every Wednesday, during Lesson 4. Each term, students may choose from a variety of different courses/activities. The purpose of the STEP program is to provide students with an opportunity to engage in the extracurricular program of the school.

STEP provides three pathways for students to get involved in extracurricular activities:

  • Interschool Sport – students train and prepare for participation in the District Sports days against other schools in our district.

  • School Production – students become involved in all aspects of the annual school production and spend the time preparing and rehearsing for the production.

  • Non-Academic/Subject Based Electives – students can participate in a range of other activities that do not involve sport or production.

Students participate in a separate selection process for each of the four terms, aside from students who are involved with the School production, which goes over three terms. All information regarding STEP will be sent home via information letters.

Last reviewed 04 March 2024
Last updated 04 March 2024