


Student Absences

If your student is going to be absent from school, please notify our office before 10:30am on the day of their absence via any of the contact details below:

  1. 24/7 Absentee Line: (07) 3373 4503
  2. Absence SMS: 0427 241 881
  3. Email:
  4. Q-Parents App
  5. Administration Office (from 8:00am): (07) 3373 4555

When notifying of your student/s absence, please provide the following information:

  1. Student/s name & year level (Home Group if known
  2. Reason for absence
  3. Duration of absence
  4. Expected return date

For absence periods of 3 or more consecutive days, please provide a Medical Certificate for your student where possible. This is especially important during exam and assessment periods.

If your student/s will be absent for more than 10 consecutive days, please contact your student's year level

Deputy Principal to discuss eligibility for an Application for School Exemption.

Student Late Arrival – arrival after 8:55am to 9:15am

  • Students arriving after 8:55am are considered late to school.
  • We understand that there may be times when your student/s are unexpectedly late to school due to reasons outside of parent/carer control or student control i.e., roadworks/traffic congestion, late busses etc.
  • Students arriving late must always sign in via the Front Counter in the Administration Office, not go straight to class.
  • Signing in via Front Counter in the Administration Office ensures that your late student has been recorded as “present on campus", as they will have missed Home Group and possibly Lesson 1 roll marking.
  • In the event of a full school evacuation, it is imperative that your student has registered their late arrival via the Front Counter in the Administration Building, otherwise they are recorded as “Unexplained Absence" rather than “Unexplained – Late".

Student Late Arrival – arrival after 9:15am onwards

We understand that at times your student/s may be late to school due to pre-organised appointments, family commitments etc.

  • For student arrivals after 9:15am, we ask that a parent/carer notifies the school prior to their student/s arrival by contacting one of the absence contacts or by writing and signing a note in your student's school diary.
  • Student's will present this note and/or register the approved late arrival notification when they present to the Front Counter in the Administration Office upon their arrival.

Please provide the following information when notifying our office of late student arrivals:

  1. Student/s name & year level (Home Group if known)
  2. Reason for late arrival
  3. Expected time of arrival

Leave Requests/Early School Departures

We understand that there may be times when your student needs to depart school earlier than 3:00pm to facilitate appointments (medial or otherwise) or for family/emergent reasons.

  • If you student is required to depart school prior to 3.00pm, please contact the school to organise a LEAVE REQUEST for your student using one of the contact details/methods below:
  1. 24/7 Absentee Line/Message Bank: (07) 3373 4503
  2. Absence SMS: 0427 241 881
  3. Email:
  4. Q-Parents App
  5. Administration Office (from 8:00am): (07) 3373 4555
  6. Written signed and dated note in student diary

When organising a Leave Request for your student, please provide the information below:

  1. Student/s name & year level (Home Group if known)
  2. Requested time of departure
  3. Reason for early departure
  4. Will your student be returning to school?
  5. Information on where your student will be collected from or own transportation
  6. The name and details of the person collecting your student/s if not the parent/carer or emergency contact person/s on file

Process for School Departure – Parent/carer & student responsibilities

  1. Parent/carer notifies the main office (via methods previously listed) and requests that their student/s be issued with a LEAVE REQUEST – please provide as much notice as possible.
  2. Your student will then present to the Front Counter in the Administration Building to either collect their LEAVE REQUEST, or submit the parent/carer written note for early departure (this is to be done before 8:55am). Once the note is received, your student will be issued with their LEAVE REQUEST.
  3. Students should only be collecting Leave Requests before school or at break times.
  4. If student departure is during class time, your student will need to show their teacher the LEAVE REQUEST to obtain permission to leave class.
  5. Upon presentation to the Front Counter in the Administration Building, your student's LEAVE REQUEST will be exchanged for a LEAVE PASS. Only then does your student has permission to depart school.
  6. If your student is returning to school after their appointment, they must sign-in through the Front Counter in the Administration Office to register their attendance onsite.

**Possession of a Leave Request alone does not facilitate permission to depart school. The Leave Request must be exchanged for a Leave Pass upon departure, to register your student as an approved absence. This is particularly important in the event of an evacuation or lockdown so we know that your student is safe and accounted for.

For past absences, the Student Absence form can be used.

Last reviewed 01 March 2024
Last updated 01 March 2024